Well it's been two days since the last post. I kind of got distracted what with Borderlands 2 at it just came out. No, I don't have it, neither am I playing it, but I have been watching videos of someone play through it. More and more I've just been watching people play video games rather than do it myself. Partly because I'm poor and can't afford new releases - both in time and money. Saves time playing the thing as you can skip cutscenes, sidequests and all the other fluff and see how the core game works, what kind of levels it has, and the scale of the gameplay. I've watched a playthrough of Sleeping Dogs in it's entirety, it seems nice with an impressive large representation of Hong Kong, but in terms of gameplay and variety there isn't that much to do. For a game it's size it really seems like the developers could done more with the world and given the player more to do and actual involvement in the story instead of the preset story line. But anyways all that is only somewhat relevant to game dev, being able to watch "Let's Play" videos is all the more common and can serve as a hands off demonstration of the game. Being in the backseat should make it easier to make observations and analysis.
Ah well if I can focus, I still have to do the action controller. Nevermind all the huge distractions from just about everything on the internet.
So how it'll work is that from the main HUD,(1) clicking the action button will cause the avatar to walk to the action zone and start a trigger. (2) This trigger will enable a game object loaded with whatever scripted behaviours need be - (3) something like play a specific animation, add the time past by the action and then shut down the game object and return to the main HUD.
All of this really should be super simple, I've already got 1 and 2 done, just need to do all the custom stuff for 3.
Yeah I really got to get my act together, it's not even the games it's just the internet itself is so detrimental to sustained focus. For the simplest stuff it's like: "Yeah shouldn't take long, let me just read this single page comic strip" and it just spirals out of control from there.
Despite my poor progress still have to maintain a good sleeping schedule - staying up to finish shit is acceptable once in a while but get too comfortable doing it and you'll always wake up tired, out of energy, and just unable to work efficiently and effectively.
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