So yeah I haven't updated this in about 2 months. But I can at least account for one month. Starting late July I was contacted by some friends who were working on a sequel to the iOS shooting game and needed some people to do some gun models. Well a paying job that asked me to do what I enjoy to do on my free time? Sounds very good to me.
I was working on a contract basis, with fixed payment per asset delivered. With the time I spent on each asset I wasn't making a good return on my time, earning probably below minimum wage here in Canada when I took into consideration the hours it took to build each asset. But up until now, I had been making game ready 3D models of guns for free giving away the models I made for anyone to use. It felt good to step it up from a hobby, and have a commitment to maintaining a high standard of quality in the assets delivered. It was a good opportunity to study my own workflow, and let me know that I still have lots of room to improve.
Anyways the game isn't out yet, but when it is I'll be sure to post back here a link to it, and pictures of all the assets that I did for it. So that took up most of my August, and I didn't get as much done on the educational game as I'd like, but I'm back on that now.
thanks for the update, keep at it